#1 Job Board for tech industry in Europe

  • Job offers
  • All offersGdańskDevOpsCloud .NET Developer (future opening)
    Cloud .NET Developer (future opening)
    Xebia sp. z o.o.

    Cloud .NET Developer (future opening)

    Xebia sp. z o.o.
    Type of work
    Employment Type
    Permanent, B2B
    Operating mode
    Xebia sp. z o.o.

    Xebia sp. z o.o.

    Xebia to globalna grupa firm tworzona przez ponad 5000 ekspertów. Od 20 lat doradzamy i tworzymy rozwiązania IT szyte na miarę dla Klientów z całego świata. Łączy nas chęć ciągłego rozwoju. Dlatego podejmujemy każde, nawet najtrudniejsze wyzwania.

    Company profile

    Tech stack







    Job description

    Online interview

    🟣 You will be:

    • Collaborating with worldwide teams co-located in Europe, the UK, Asia.
    • Creating system components, microservices, and in some cases DevOps solutions as well.
    • Experiencing working for Clients from various industries.
    • Working in an agile environment with tools such as GIT, Azure DevOps (may vary by project), Jira, Confluence, and Miro.
    • Be able to participate in internal technical workshops Upskill), guild meetings, external and organized conferences (webinars, SoftwareTalks), integration meetings.

    🟣 Your profile:

    • 3+ years of experience in web application development, practiced the OOP paradigm, knows and applies SOLID principles, are familiar with .NET Core or .NET 6.
    • Knows what REST is and how to create API according to best practices.
    • Can work with relational databases (SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB/Aurora, Oracle) as well as non-relational (Cosmos DB, Table Storage, DynamoDB).
    • Knowledgeable of the Azure platform or knowledgeable of the AWS platform.
    • Know the basics of Azure or AWS networking.
    • Aware of ElastiCache, Redis or Elasticsearch/Azure Search,
    • Familiar with containerization – i.e., Docker, Kubernetes or AKS/ EKS,
    • Have or are planning to have Azure Certificates (AZ-900, AZ-204, AZ-305) or AWS Certificates (Cloud Practitioner, Developer Associate).
    • Knows how modern IT systems are built: distributed, asynchronous, cloud, serverless.
    • Knows the issues related to the security of internet applications,
    • Comfortable to discuss architectural decisions and proposed design solutions,
    • Understands customer requirements and based on them can deliver business value,
    • Communicates freely in English (B2 level) and Polish (B1/B2).

    Work from the European Union region and a work permit are required.

    🟣 Recruitment Process: CV review – HR call – Interview – Decision

    🎁 Benefits 🎁


    • development budgets of up to 6,800 PLN,
    • we fund certifications e.g.: AWS, Azure, ISTQB, PSM,
    • access to Udemy, Safari Books Online and more,
    • events and technology conferences,
    • technology Guilds,
    • internal training,
    • Xebia Library,
    • Xebia Upskill.

    🩺 We take care of your health:

    • private medical healthcare,
    • multiSport card - we subsidise a MultiSport card,
    • mental Health Support.

    🤸‍♂️ We are flexible:

    • flexible working hours,
    • B2B or permanent contract,
    • contract for an indefinite period.