#1 Job Board for tech industry in Europe

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  • All offersKrakówJSFrontend Developer (WebGL/ThreeJS)
    Frontend Developer (WebGL/ThreeJS)

    Frontend Developer (WebGL/ThreeJS)

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    W 7N zapewniamy najlepszą opiekę ekspertom na rynku IT, chcącym pracować w modelu kontraktorskim, w oparciu o jawne i transparentne zasady finansowe. Pracując z nami zyskujesz wsparcie profesjonalnych Agentów, którzy dbają o ciągłość Twoich kontraktów, komfortową pracę, rozwój zawodowy i niezapomniane integracje. Aktualnie pracujemy z ponad 1700 Konsultantami, którzy realizują projekty dla ponad 160 Klientów z różnych branż. Posiadamy 11 biur w siedmiu krajach: Danii, Polsce, Szwecji, Norwegii, Finlandii, USA oraz Indiach.

    Company profile

    Tech stack







      Angular 2+


    Job description

    Online interview

    About project

    We are looking for an experienced Frontend Developer to a scalable cloud-based research workflow solution designed to aggregate digital pathology images and derived high-dimensional biomarker data collected in cancer immunotherapy studies to enable science-driven drug development.


    • At least 5-years of experience in Front End development.
    • Must have skill for this role is practical experience in WebGL.
    • Preferably experience in three.js library.

     WebGL/ThreeJS skills:

    • Excellent understanding of the dependencies between the viewport, scene and the canvas,
    • Experience in working with many elements in the scene 5k+ 
    • Ray-casting
    • Mesh geometry

    Front End skills:

    • High knowledge in JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • HTML 5
    • SCSS 
    • Git
    • Writing unit tests
    • Coding using JS Design Patterns

    We offer

    • Remuneration based on a B2B model: 23 520 – 27 720 PLN (145–165PLN/h) + VAT wages may vary depending on experience and qualifications of a given candidate.
    • Transparent wage model; disclosed margin for 7N. The aforementioned wages are target wages paid to the consultant for the subcontracted work
    • Professional development support. We subsidize trainings, technical certificates, conference participation, and foreign language classes. Additionally, 7N Consultants have opportunities to take part in internal training sessions and develop their interpersonal skills within the framework of the 7N Secret Code. Learn more about it here: 7N – The Secret Code
    • 7N Inspiration Team’s support and an opportunity to join their ranks. They are a group of 7N Consultants who consistently and actively share their professional knowledge and expertise.
    • Cooperation with real experts – the average professional experience of a 7N consultant is 10 years. Check out one of our discussion panels here: Does a Scrum Master need a background in programming (in Polish)
    • Comprehensive and personal project support from one of a 7N Agent. Priority regarding project continuity and quality. See what one 7N Consultant said about the role of 7N Agents and project opportunities.
    • Numerous (10-12 each year) high-end events – both online and offline. See the 7N KickOff 2019 clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5KjJpFBNpI  
    • Healthcare, Benefit Multisport and life insurance subsidies regardless of cooperation model. Access to Mindgram, a psychological support and professional development platform.