Gamefound Sp. z o.o.
Gamefound is a platform derived from the tabletop industry made for board game fans and makers. It's a place that allows creators to focus on what they do best and helps backers get the projects they support most conveniently. We offer crowdfunding campaigns, pledge manager services (also for campaigns run on other platforms), and marketing support—everything in one place, hassle-free. With cutting-edge technology, we strive to become a significant part of this unique hobby, bringing inspiration, entertainment, and passion to this worldwide community.
O nas:
🟢 Gamefound to startup technologiczny z branży gier planszowych. Mamy już ponad milion zarejestrowanych użytkowników i jesteśmy w tej chwili najszybciej rosnącą platformą crowdfundingową z branży gier. Tworzymy oprogramowanie używając najnowszych technologii w sposób przemyślany, tak aby było wydajne i bezpieczne.
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Net per month - B2B
Gross per month - Permanent
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