All offersWarszawaRubyRuby on Rails Developer
Ruby on Rails Developer
Startup House

Ruby on Rails Developer

Startup House
Type of work
Employment Type
B2B, Permanent
Operating mode
Startup House

Startup House

Hey! This is Startup House – we specialize in developing innovations from ideation to full-scale applications, offering services that cover every aspect of the product development cycle.

Company profile

Tech stack

    Ruby on Rails

Job description

Online interview
Recruitment status: currently on hold (if you want, sent us your resume and we will contact you when we will be looking for RoR Devs again)

We are all about supercharging tech-based businesses. But make no mistake – software development is just a part of what we do at Startup Development House. Our mission is to deliver all-around support for startups at all stages of development.

Our Back-end Team is expanding and looking for fresh blood – we’re currently looking for a Ruby on Rails Developer, who will help us build amazing products for new startups.
Write to us, call us, join us and let's make some startups grow!

How can you grow with us?

  • We build MVPs for startups, so you will be a part of a team delivering a few projects (software products built from scratch) within a year!
  • Do you wonder what project you would join? Check out our previous projects: IoT mobile app for kids in Norway, an innovative LegalTech solution or a HealthTech platform that helps fight the pandemic in Nigeria... and try to guess what exciting, brand-new project is waiting for you!
  • You’ll gain wide experience in a multitude of industries and in various methods of work, both for exciting startups and established enterprises like Siemens or Toyota,
  • Our fast-paced work environment guarantees rapid development of your skills,
  • You'll be part of one of the best Development teams (in 2020 we were named a Top Developer by Clutch)!
  • You will own your work and decide on the project’s direction.

What we’re looking for:

  • 1+ year of experience or proven track record of using Rails in commercial projects.

Tech skills:
  • You can write detailed application tests,
  • You know how to take full advantage of Rails framework,
  • You know how to write efficient code,
  • You know how to explore the code, find logical errors, pay attention to unconsidered issues and edge-cases,
  • You have some commercial experience with frontend technologies,
  • Your focus is clean code.

Soft skills:
  • B2+ in English – we work internationally, so that’s a must,
  • Strong collaboration, communication, and organization skills – we’re a team and we want you to be a part of it!
  • You take care of your self-development, both in technical and soft skills.

  • Passion for new technologies and startups!
  • Own projects, presence in the Ruby on Rails community,
  • Any other programming languages and frameworks.

  • Flexible working hours
  • Possibility to work 100% remotely or from our office in Warsaw
  • 20 days of paid break per year on a B2B contract
  • Growth-driven culture: learning budget for every team, knowledge-sharing initiatives, individual career paths, and regular evaluation of your development
  • Startup approach, which means international teams, many greenfield projects, and gaining hands-on experience at every stage of the product development cycle
  • Freedom to choose the best tools and tech to achieve your team’s goals
  • Trustworthy devices - we work on MacBooks
  • Basics: Multisport card possibilities and private healthcare package

Write to us, call us, join us and let's make some startups grow! 🚀