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  • Job offers
  • All offersKatowiceMobileReact Native Developer Part Time
    React Native Developer Part Time
    Inventively Ltd

    React Native Developer Part Time

    Inventively Ltd
    Type of work
    Employment Type
    B2B, Mandate
    Operating mode

    Tech stack

      React Native






      Mobile Development







      nice to have


      nice to have


      nice to have

    Job description

    Online interview
    Friendly offer

    For this recruitment, we offer a part-time position. If you are interested only in a full-time position, please still feel free to apply. We may soon offer a full-time position when our capacity increases. 

    The monthly salary range 8 000 - 15 000 PLN in this ad reflects full-time pay. The part-time work will be compensated based on the hourly rate and the amount of hours worked every month. We expect 10 to 30 hours per week based on your availability. 

    We are looking for a skilled mobile app developer to join our team, who is passionate about mobile app development and is dedicated to delivering high-quality applications. The ideal candidate will have experience in developing both iOS and Android applications.


    • 100% Remote work
    • Flexible working hours
    • Opportunity to lead the development of a project 

    What does it take to be successful during the recruitment process:

    • fluency in React Native
    • at least 2 + years of commercial experience
    • understanding of mobile development know-how (testing, specifics, quirks, submitting, sharing, supporting technologies like GPS, storage, payments, push notifications, etc.)
    • ability to write well-performing and optimized code
    • knowledge of design patterns and clean code principles

    Nice to have: 

    • experience in mobile in-app purchase payments: Apple & Google (we have many projects with in app purchases ) 
    • experience in RevenueCat to handle in app purchases ( We are a partner with RevenueCat )
    • experience with Firebase 
    • experience with Node.js or React.js 
    • experience with Expo 

    Some important “soft skills” fitting our profile:

    • A rational and efficient approach to development (understanding what works and how much it takes to implement it). 
    • flexibility (sometimes the "best" or "right" solution does not fit for various reasons)
    • critical thinking (don't suggest solutions just because they are currently trending on the internet - test, assess, have own opinion)
    • being passionate (remaining up-to-date with the latest trends of mobile development)
    • ability to clearly and effectively convey your choices (why this and not that, what drives this particular choice, what are the expected results)
    • professional fluency in English (at least B2)