#1 Job Board for tech industry in Europe

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  • All offersŁódźAdminIT internship with French
    IT internship with French

    IT internship with French

    Type of work
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    Operating mode


    W Accenture wspieramy naszych globalnych klientów w zmianach technologicznych. Naszą największą satysfakcją jest widzieć dookoła rozwiązania Accenture, które napędzają nowoczesny biznes. Innowacje to nie jest temat jutra – to my wdrażamy je w życie!

    Company profile

    Tech stack








      nice to have

      Windows Server admin.

      nice to have

      programming basics

      nice to have

    Job description

    As an intern, you will be a part of a team that ensures the continuous operation of an advanced system based on IBM technologies. Your will be responsible for supervision of the banking application.

    What will you do?

    • Work with the third line of support
    • System monitoring (review and analysis of application logs)
    • Process support (execute defined emergency procedures)
    • Execute procedures and scripts for migration of software changes

    What do we expect from you?

    • Good communication skills in English, French and Polish
    • Availability minimum 32h/week and willingness to work in a shift system after training period
    • Ability to work in a team
    • Interest in the IT industry

    Nice to have:

    • Experience in systems maintenance
    • Knowledge of programming basics and good IT practices, as well as the basics of Windows Server administration

    What can we offer you:

    • Paid internship with possibility of extension of cooperation for a longer time
    • Participation in creation of projects on a global scale for biggest international companies from Fortune500 with usage of newest solutions and tools
    • Access to newest solutions and technological tools that will allow you to get to know project work specification and realize clients’ business challenges
    • Wide range of training package (introduction trainings), access to free e-learning platform and support of experienced employees
    • Flexible working hours and possibility of hybrid work (possibility of individual work schedule)
    • Individual support and ability of professional growth, also possibility of session with a Coach
    • Friendly atmosphere and differentiated working environment
    • Various activities as a part of Happiness at work initiative and sport activities
    • Opportunity to learn technologies like Jenkins, Bitbucket, Git, SourceTree, MSSQL, Windows Server, Control-M, ISPW, JCL

    Hybrid work possibilities

    As part of this announcement, for people from outside Łódź, Katowice and Warsaw (living in Poland, more than 50 km from the nearest office), in addition to the traditional form of cooperation, we also offer the possibility of hybrid work, understood as work from the place of residence where visits to the office will be limited to a few times in year. For people working in this mode, we anticipate the same path and development opportunities as for people working from offices, additional communication and physical integration meetings twice a year. If you have any questions or doubts, please feel free to apply and contact us directly.

    If this sounds like the ideal role, career and company for you, please apply online as soon as possible. 


    When applying please enclose the below statements:  

    I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data by Accenture sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Warsaw (00-121), at ul. Sienna 39, NIP 526-00-15-900 (Data Controller), in accordance with the Act of May 10, 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000) and the Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Data Protection Directive), necessary to carry out the recruitment process by Accenture . At the same time, I declare that I provide my personal data completely voluntary. I also declare that I have been informed about my right to withdraw my consent or object to processing of data, request access to them, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing and their transfer, at any time and the right to lodge a complaint to the data protection supervisory authority. 


    I hereby also consent to the processing of my personal data for future recruitment proceedings held by Accenture sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Warsaw (00-121), at ul. Sienna 39, NIP 526-00-15-900 (Data Controller), in accordance with the Act of May 10, 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000) and the Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Data Protection Directive). At the same time, I declare that I provide my personal data completely voluntary. I also declare that I have been informed about my right to withdraw my consent or object to processing of data, request access to them, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing and their transfer, at any time and the right to lodge a complaint to the data protection supervisory authority. 

    Candidates who are currently employed by a client of Accenture or an affiliated Accenture business may not be eligible for consideration. 

    Accenture does not discriminate employment candidates on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, disability, national origin, political beliefs, trade union membership, ethnicity, denomination, sexual orientation or any other basis impermissible under Polish law.  

    Równe szanse zatrudnienia   


     Wszystkie decyzje dotyczące zatrudnienia powinny być podejmowane bez względu na wiek, rasę, wyznanie, kolor skóry, religię, płeć, pochodzenie, status osoby niepełnosprawnej, status weterana, orientację seksualną, tożsamość lub ekspresję płciową, stan cywilny, status obywatelski lub jakąkolwiek inną podstawę chronioną przez prawo federalne, stanowe lub lokalne.    


    Kandydaci do pracy nie będą zobowiązani do ujawniania zatartych wyroków podczas procesu rekrutacji.                                                        

    Accenture zależy na oferowaniu możliwości zatrudnienia weteranom – zarówno mężczyznom, jak i kobietom doświadczonym w służbie naszemu krajowi.