Our values shape the way we work with our clients, delivering an outstanding user experience supported by the most advanced technologies Netguru’s core values evolved with us as the company grew and we learned from our experiences. They sum up what we want to achieve, and they might change in the future, as we aim higher and higher. We think of them as important to our culture and individual sense of accomplishment.
Never settle for good enough when you know you can and should do better. It isn’t about measuring your performance against that of others - it’s about giving yourself permission to go the extra mile, to do work you can be proud of.
Trust your gut and your knowledge, even when it’s your team leader or CEO you have to question. We are all people, fallible but trying our best. Netguru’s culture allows us to appreciate openness and constructive feedback.
Learn from all successes and failures We believe that having the freedom to take risks and make mistakes is extremely important in any work environment. That’s how we learn, and how we innovate - by trying out ideas and looking at our results.
We are all in this together and everything you say and do, either internally or in a public forum, reflects on us. We all deserve respect, and one way to make sure we get it is by holding ourselves accountable for our own actions.
Culture doesn’t happen by chance - we need to be proactive and work on it every day, taking full responsibility for the results. We want everyone to have a voice, and we want our activities as a company to be transparent.
Having ambition and working towards career goals is a wonderful thing, and we want to fully support you on your path. But as you forge ahead, be mindful of the people around you and of how you can help each other.
What others think of you should never be your most important concern, but we all know the value of well-earned respect and constructive feedback. Validation and recognition are important.