
Nowa biblioteka od Facebooka – RecoilJS. Śniadanie z Programowaniem #39

W tym tygodniu podczas Śniadania z Programowaniem na tapet wzięliśmy frontendowe newsy ze świata IT. O nich opowiedziała nasza ekipa frontendowa w składzie: nasz CTO Tomasz Gański, Michał Michalczuk, Bartosz Cytrowski oraz twórca type of web – Michał Miszczyszyn. Poniżej znajdziecie także listę linków, o których opowiedzieliśmy podczas transmisji.

1. Java Webinar Week Join us for a series of engaging lightning talks delivered by seasoned engineers from the Spartez team. Over the course of one week we will be covering topics spanning from different approaches to UI in microservices-based systems, through performance improvements, garbage collectors and effective work from home, to building applications in cloud.

2. Just Join IT – wyszukiwarka, lifting Just Join IT: #1 Job Board for IT industry in Poland

3. I Watched All 27 React Europe Talks So You Don’t Have To Notes from all 27 React Europe talks. Plus, embedded videos of the talks—all in one place for your viewing pleasure.

4. A Sneak Peek at React Router v6 A look at the new features and changes coming up with the release of React Router version 6.

5. Chrome 83 – emulacja wad wzroku w rendering dev tools

6. Core Web Vitals w kolejnych narzędziach

7. Introducing Web Vitals: essential metrics for a healthy site Optimizing for quality of user experience is key to the long-term success of any site on the web. Through our ongoing engagement and coll…

npm: teedux Typed redux-ducks –

8. RecoilJS is meant to rock your React world RecoilJS is an experimental state management library for React that works and thinks like it. It aims to solve common issues like state interdependencies among related components, unwanted re-renderings across complex components trees, cross-app observations and many more.

9. Sebastian McKenzie przeniósł się z Facebooka do Discord. Co z Rome?

npm v7 – status update

10. jest teraz open source! — największa baza pytań z front-endu tworzona przez społeczność. jest serwisem internetowym służącym do udostępniania i wymiany pytań rekrutacyjnych na stanowiska front-end developerów.

Type of Web GitHub:

11. Save the precious build minutes! Reusing build outputs with Git Tree Hash Do you spend a lot of time (and perhaps money) waiting for builds on the master branch, even though its contents are identical to the commit before you clicked that “Merge Pull Request” button?

12. ZEIT is now Vercel

13. Atlassian | Plant Your Code Test your brain and your JavaScript skills in a series of progressively tough coding challenges.

Wszystkie odcinki Śniadania z Programowaniem znajdziecie na tej stronie.

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